join our team

Ever dreamed of running your own business? It's your opportunity to seize.

The Ellie Kai Consultancy let's you become an...


Become an entrepreneur of your own fashion consulting business by helping women in your community design their own personalized, made-to-order wardrobe. Work from the convenience of your own home, with the flexibility of your own schedule, and enjoy a generous income that will support your lifestyle.

Personal Stylist

As a fashion consultant, you’ll help your clients find their most figure flattering silhouettes and tone complementing color palettes. And as a personal stylist, your clients will turn to you for expert advice in designing their made-to-order personalized pieces that highlight their best features.

Event Planner

Your style expertise is put into action at trunk shows in your area. You'll work as an event planner to help your shows' hostesses maximize their attendance and sort all the details for a fun and successful event.

Supplied with a sample set of the season's Collection, fabric swatches and look books, Consultants sell the custom-ordered styles on a commissioned basis. We also provide you with all the tools you need to flourish your at-home business. With technical support, training, and marketing support, you'll be well equipped to maximize your own success.

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Welcome to ELLIE KAI
